Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

I've been playing around with the distinction mentioned in today's #dailylightwave and bringing awareness to the state I tend to gravitate towards in any given moment. This is especially interesting in the asana practice, as a student and teacher, where so many of the poses bring us face to face with our primal fears. I notice in cueing a class that when I guide focus away from survival towards expansion, the bodies in the room respond in a very positive way. This is done of course at the right moment when alignment and safety have been established. This doesn't mean we're going to walk out in front of a speeding bus. It's just an invitation loosen the mental grip on survival and to walk through the doorway of soul~consciousness and to begin exploring the realm which ultimately connects us ultimately to infinity.

The carnal mind's primary concern is survival;  whereas the soul's ideal is expansion. These two dynamics dance side by side in human consciousness and it's an individual choice as to which one is magnified.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#survivalmind #carnalmind #soulsense #consciousness #asanaforexpansion #yoga #asana #humanconsciousness

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