Friday, May 16, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

I'm listening this morning for what inspiration to share. Usually I have several things to choose from but today, nada. When the phone rings and it's my sister, my first reaction is "Oh darn, I don't have time for this." But of course I answer the phone. I'm so proud of my sis who's running her first Warrior Dash tomorrow! She was sharing some fears that were trying to creep in the day before the race and I could hear that little tug-o-war between fearless soul and fearful ego. I remembered an idea that came to me while I was driving yesterday. I had forgotten to write it down, but the need to help her, brought it back to my mind and became today's Daily Lightwave. Everything fell into place in a way I couldn't have outlined. What I thought was a distraction turned out to be part of the flow. This idea of soul superseding ego is a constant point of practice, an alertness to each choice moment by moment to notice where the impetus is coming from. I don't think it happens in one fell swoop - at least not for me. But there's hope because I answered the phone when my inclination was not to, helping another helped me and will hopefully help those who read this, and I know my sister is going to embody all the courage and freedom that are rightfully her's tomorrow as she tromps through the mud with joy!

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