Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ~ Body and Belief

At this stage of human consciousness we need the body to help us grow and develop. It makes thoughts visible that might otherwise go undetected. It shows us the beliefs we know about and those we don't -- the beliefs of mass consciousness that we blindly accept without questioning. Even in suffering, the body is trying to help us wake up. The body is an instrument of Love and Love provides all we need to awaken if we will. So the next time the body presents suffering to you, consider looking within instead of without for the quickest fix. Don't be afraid. Remember right away that this is your body's way of helping you, not hurting you. If you can remain calm and reach out for what you need to know, you'll be guided to the path of healing that's right for you. And if you see it as an opportunity to awaken, it will be a full-being healing that embraces your entire life, rather than just some symptoms in the body. In my experience, it's important not to be intimidated by the appearance and to immediately replace fear with a deep conviction of Love. Your mind and nervous system will respond to that and you'll be able to hear what you need to hear. Rest assured, what you hear will be good.

Something I heard Wayne Dyer say on a PBS broadcast ties in nicely here: "every illness is the beginning of a healing." If you're interested, do a Google search and read about his very non-traditional healing of leukemia.

#lightwave, #dailylightwave

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