Monday, May 12, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ~ Life vs. Human Experience

An experience I had in college made a deep impression on me and how I see life and my place in it. Many describe a similar experience, but it's hard to get until you've had it yourself; and it's hard to capture with words, but I'll do my best. I was alone, it was night, and I was reaching out for what my life was all about. The answer didn't come in words, but with a feeling, a very powerful feeling and deep knowing of myself as something beyond all the outer stuff. I felt strengthened by the awareness of my connection to this "something" that was greater than me or anything I could see or touch. I didn't stay in this awareness, but it's one I return to time and again. Looking back I see that college for me was a time of growth born out of feeling very different from the people around me and unsure of my place. This was often extremely uncomfortable. This disconnect from the my surrounding culture precipitated my willingness to receive a different sense of myself. For a lot of people college is a time of fun and exploration. For me, it was a time of turning inward because I didn't fit with a lot on the outside. Being a late bloomer has it's perks because the imprint of those brief moments created a knowing within me that's beyond intellect. I long for everyone to FEEL what I felt. That's why I often cringe when I hear someone say "life is short." I think words are powerful and distinctions are important. That's why I love the term "human experience." Because it gives me a context for conversation about where I think I am right now ~ in what many refer to as the "waking dream" ~ within the broader scope of Life Itself. So the next time you're about to say: "life is short," maybe reconsider and remember there's a vast field of existence beyond the space/time continuum we often call "life."

#lightwave, #dailylightwave

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