Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ~ Freedom

As with all spiritual growth, there's an exchange that has to happen: we give up one thing for another. It's almost always easier to stay with what's familiar, but it's way less fulfilling and ultimately less fun. The growing pains that accompany transformation are temporary and take us to a blissful state of expansion from which we can never return. Awareness is the first step and some never take it. Many of us, at different times in our lives, hold onto our ignorance like a warm fuzzy blanket. It feels safe. The mind's label for expansion is often "danger." But that's a trick, and you are not that mind, so don't buy it. There are so many avenues available to each one of us today designed to dissolve ignorance and cultivate awakening. If you truly desire it, you will find the one that's right for you. Or maybe you already know that path, but need to practice it more fully. Life is a series of awakenings, and when we learn to give up resistance, these awakenings become pain free. They're born out of enlightenment rather than suffering. Freedom and awakening go hand-in-hand. In the words of Frank Sinatra, "you can't have one without the other." And while freedom is a noun and often feels like something out there that we're trying to get; awakening is a verb and implies what we ourselves must do. It puts the power back in our own hands. Awakening is a potent energetic agent that dissolves ignorance. Remember those Dawn dish soap commercials that show the soap dissolving all the grease? What I'm talking about happens unseen in thought, yet it's the same tangible process. So take courage with me today and dare to awaken. As more of us allow the energy of awakening to occupy consciousness, the less space there will be for ignorance. The instant a blind spot is seen, it's no longer a blind spot. Awaken.

#lightwave, #dailylightwave

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