Friday, May 2, 2014

Running Out of Limits

Picture taken about 6 months ago on Palo Comado trail - same route I write about here.

Yesterday was my hottest run of the year so far. I went out at about 2pm probably the hottest part of the day and ran my usual 6 miles. I was challenged and definitely drew upon strength not my own.

On my final stretch I passed my 86 year old neighbor who probably noticed my bright red face and simultaneously drenched and dehydrated demeanor and said in his European accent (which I haven't identified yet) "You're going to lose more weight." My spontaneous response was to say, "Hopefully I'm losing more hate." He seemed delighted with that comeback and I was too. As I ran the rest of the way to my front door my muse continued...

Lose hate, not weight
Gain Love, not pounds
In the balance of Soul
pure bliss is found.

That's inside-out fitness!

Earlier in my run, in the midst of some doubtful thoughts...
"maybe I should've waited til the sun went down"
"maybe I should've take a route with less hills today"
"maybe I should've only run 4 miles"
"maybe I should've built myself up to running in these high temps"
bla bla bla...
...I was given this to sustain me:

Sometimes it's not about changing the route
or shortening the distance.
It's about drawing from a deeper well.

I felt immediately lifted. Point well taken. Thank you!

One of the reasons I love running is that it brings me to my edge over and over again and invites me to draw from that deeper well. I don't think there's any such thing as an "easy" run - at least not for me. Running has always had a way of exalting me beyond the physical into an experience of my innate freedom, strength, grace, and endurance. It teaches me not to be intimidated by procrastination, bodily sensations, steep hills, rocky terrain, rattle snakes, and coyotes. It teaches me to return to my center time and again to find what I need to overcome obstacles. I've never returned empty handed or failed to find what I need there. What a powerful metaphor for all of life and training for day to day experience!

I'm still in training, so I'm still running.

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