Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Message from the Moon

As I sat outside last night taking in the full moon, sitting so low in the sky, it felt like she was right next to me, flirtatiously peaking at me from behind the tree branches, demurely daring me to engage with her in some way.  Of course I could not resist and why would I?  So I found myself asking her a question.  I requested that she whisper in my ear a message I could share with you.  Then I leaned back, closed my eyes, and listened.  This is what I heard...

It is neither too soon nor too late,
the timing is just right.
It is neither too much nor too little,
it is just the right amount.
Don't look out there to judge or compare,
look inside yourself.
You came here for a purpose and you know what it is.
You may have forgotten for a time, but the seed is there,
waiting for fertilizer so it can break through the soil of
doubt, fear, neglect, and come to full bloom.

Everything worth having comes in much the same way this message was received:

expectantly asking
quietly listening
humbly yielding
obediently following.

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