Monday, July 31, 2017

Satisfaction is satisfying

When satisfaction is my point of attraction, all that flows in is satisfying.

Satisfaction is a frequency. It's a state of being (not doing or getting) that exists within you. All you have to do is plug in to it. Most of us get trained away from our innate satisfaction early on as we are taught to seek approval outside of ourselves mainly from adults who are disconnected from their satisfaction. We start trying to amass accomplishments, entertainment, relationships, and stuff to get satisfied which only perpetuates the disconnect. Reconnecting can happen in the twinkle of an eye as you tune inward and FEEL for it. When you touch upon it you will feel relief and even a visceral response in your belly or heart. With practice, you will sustain the connection for longer and longer periods until satisfaction is where you're living out from not something you're trying to get to. Your whole life will orchestrate around that frequency and all that you attract will feel satisfying.

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