Monday, July 31, 2017

Satisfaction is satisfying

When satisfaction is my point of attraction, all that flows in is satisfying.

Satisfaction is a frequency. It's a state of being (not doing or getting) that exists within you. All you have to do is plug in to it. Most of us get trained away from our innate satisfaction early on as we are taught to seek approval outside of ourselves mainly from adults who are disconnected from their satisfaction. We start trying to amass accomplishments, entertainment, relationships, and stuff to get satisfied which only perpetuates the disconnect. Reconnecting can happen in the twinkle of an eye as you tune inward and FEEL for it. When you touch upon it you will feel relief and even a visceral response in your belly or heart. With practice, you will sustain the connection for longer and longer periods until satisfaction is where you're living out from not something you're trying to get to. Your whole life will orchestrate around that frequency and all that you attract will feel satisfying.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Innate Worthiness

The world's view is skewed on all subjects
Don't buy it
Train yourself to turn inward
Seek and find all that you are
Reconnect with the  knowing that
You don't earn worthiness
You are worthy
The only way out is in

Seek first the feeling of worthiness and all the things that you think will make you worthy will be added to you.


Sunday, July 23, 2017

Connection vs Attachment

Your physical identity is a wave on the ocean of life.

Everyone you meet is also a wave arising from the same ocean.

What you perceive of each other through the physical senses is temporary - a cresting and falling manifestation; and yet never for one instant disconnected from the ocean that sends it forth.

One wave you encounter as parent, another as sibling, another as friend, lover, acquaintance, passing stranger, etc.

However seemingly significant or insignificant the encounter, there is eternal momentum behind each and every connection before you become conscious of it in a physical form.

Even while it appears that your physical body over there is looking at my physical body over here, there is a non-physical but very real thread of connection that holds us together.

You have a built-in knowing of this.

When you shift your focus from the outward to the inward, you begin to reawaken this awareness and to feel the tangible here-and-now-reality of your connection with everyone and everything - including those waves who have dissolved back into the ocean that binds the connection.

The more aware you are moment-to-moment of your connection to the Ocean, the less likely you are to cling to the waves.

Your conscious awareness of connection then frees you from the enslaving habit of attachment.

If ever there was liberation, this is it.

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Desire as potential presence

I love challenging myself to distill ideas down to a sentence or two. This message came from something I wrote last week that's a culmination of learning and embodying a different awareness of desire. It went something like this...

Desire: not a yearning for something absent, but an awareness of something already present in a potential form (vibrational form) - real but not yet tangible to the five senses. It's actually this potential presence that triggers what a person feels as desire. Once that occurs, the focus needs to be on the vibrational presence, rather than the physical absence. Through this process thoughts become things. Not understanding the power of attention, many people focus on the absence thereby disconnecting from their creative power and perpetuating lack.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017