Friday, May 26, 2017

You are lifes dance

Places made for dancing...
The produce section
Parking lots
A patch of grass
Under the oak tree
Your bedroom-most definitely your bedroom
Waiting rooms
Basically anywhere you are

When life gives you a song, no matter where you are, you must dance to it.

#youarelifesdance #earthismydancefloor

Monday, May 22, 2017

Stop That!

Regardless of how justified or valid (the monkey mind will always convince you they are), these 2 activities suck the positive life force even from the things in your life that are totally unrelated to whatever or whomever you're gossiping or complaining about.

In the words of Bob Newhart's therapist character...

In my coaching work, I teach processes that will train your mind out of these habits.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Vibrational Velcro

The Universe responds to meaning not words. In order to attract different content, you must become a different context. Learn how to attune to and fine tune your vibration. Schedule your free coaching session with me at !!
#vibrationalvelcro #embodyouressence