Wednesday, December 7, 2016

NEVER TURN AWAY A WOMAN ~ Support our GoFundMe Campaign

A couple of weeks ago I led a yoga session for a group of women at Union Rescue Mission homeless shelter on Skid Row in Downtown Los Angeles. There were no bamboo floors or flashy yoga pants. We pushed back chairs and luggage and brushed dirt to the side. We rolled out mats and began the session with TVs blaring. Skepticism shot like lazor beams from the eyes of the beleaguered faces, yet a few willing hearts swapped their chairs for a mat and off we went. About ten minutes in, I noticed the TVs were off. Whew! I also felt the chatter from the women seated subside and noticed they were actually tuning in. Cool! 

I made eye contact as much as possible to let them know they were included. Many times I choked back tears. Not because I pittied them. But because I saw their value. I saw that they were my equals, my sisters and I wanted them to know that too. To them, I probably looked like a privileged white girl. And to some degree that is true since unfortunately those of us with white skin are often favored whether we ask for it or not. They have no idea where I came from and that just one year ago I was a step away from homeless. And now is not the time to tell them my story. I can only share my heart and let them FEEL that I care whether or not they ever know why.

As we were ending the practice, I invited everyone to take one deep breath together as if we were one body. I found myself saying and meaning it with all my soul, "unity is power." That simple phrase pulled everyone in and there were nods and verbal expressions of agreement. As we all took that deep breath together, there was a palpable quiet in the room. The energy had completely shifted. Everyone felt it. Everyone felt the power of unity.

This no doubt will go down in history as one of the most moving and significant moments of my life. 

This event was part of  
an endeavor to enrich the lives of the women of Skid Row. Our primary focus is raising money to create "Survivor Beauty Bags" that include things that are not readily available to these amazing sisters. Things such as lotions, and essential oils, and other items that support their femininity and sense of value.

If you feel inspired to help, you can donate to our GoFundMe Campaign HERE

In May 2017 we will hold an artist/writers show at Leimin Space in Chinatown. All proceeds will go to our Never Turn Away A Woman campaign. Between now and then (and beyond) we will be offering yoga and other workshops that uplift and empower the women at Union Rescue Mission.

I so appreciate any support for this venture!

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