Sunday, October 30, 2016

cURvY mE

I’ll keep my curves, thank you very much.
I don’t need you to straighten them out,
press them in, or
lift them up.

I like them soft, round, off-kilter,
imperfectly perfect just as they are.

I no longer need to iron them out to
look like an object you approve of,
that fits nicely on your arm
so you can feel powerful and in control.

I’ve spent a lifetime adjusting so as not to scare you.
The truth is my curviness scares the fuck out of you,
something I knew before I knew it.

The days of making myself small so you can feel big,
of looking for someone to save me,
giving my power to those weaker than me
are over.

I now see I’m the strongest person I know.
I’ve sat alone, suffering,
sunken to the dark depths of my soul,
with no bandage, no caress.
Just me and the Great Mystery.
And no doubt I will do it again.

So yes, I am strong.
But whereas fear used to make me strong like steel,
now, unafraid, I am strong like the willow.

I trust the circles and cycles and bendy ways I don’t understand.
I breathe,
I undulate,
I allow the flow,
so the winds of life don’t break me.

I don’t need you to take fat from my thighs
and put in my breasts for god sake!

I’m well aware that
my lips are too thin,
boobs too small,
nose too big,
butt too round.
And I don’t give a flying fuck,
or a good goddamn.

Not one more second will be wasted
on trying to be who someone else thinks I should be.
Every precious moment
will be spent being who I am.

I love me, all of me,
especially the unlovable parts.
I will love those so hard.
I will love the hell out of them,
love them until they are lovable.

I will never allow pop culture
to lobotomize my “me”
until I’m a shell with fake everything
and a knock-off Prada bag
I bought with a maxed-out credit card
so I could look like who I’m supposed to.

Fuck that!
There are no holes in my wholeness
for your toxic fixing to seep through.
You can keep your knife,
your anti-aging,
You are wasting your time with me.
I won’t be framed, frozen, straightened, flattened, dulled,
ironed out, sucked in, or contorted
to fit in your box.
Curves and boxes don’t mix.
And I am a curve,
with unpredictable,
inconvenient intuition
that just might out you.
I will never again put a lid on it
to make you feel safe.
I am lidless, curvy, everything.
I am ME.
I don’t fit.
I am not supposed to.

I long ago made it off the rat wheel
of starving to make myself
and remorsefully binging because
I didn’t, couldn’t, or wouldn't fit.

I will never go back.

I stand before you a verb
of cultivated, hard won BALANCE,
no addictions.
nothing to hide.
Considering where I came from
that just may be a modern day miracle.
It certainly makes me a
freak of nature to those
who don’t understand the
great power of self-awareness;
and a fine specimen to those who do.
From the invisible parts you’ll never see,
to the outside which you surmise, size-up,
and approve or denounce,
I am real,
sometimes messy,
not always pretty,
but always beautiful,
the most beautiful,
incomparable version
of the one and only

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