Tuesday, August 16, 2016

How Long Can I Stay Out of My Mind-Loop?

Lately I've been playing a game. It's called: "How long can I stay out of my mind-loop?" We all have one. It's habitual, it's usually fairly hideous, serves no one, and is counter-productive to everything we're on this planet to be and do. What keeps you out of this mind-loop varies from person to person and at different times. It might be a chant, a sound, breath awareness, a prayer, a mantra, a song, something you read, jumping up and down, standing on your head, etc. They all work 100% of the time...if...and this is a big "IF"....IF we remember to practice them. To be awake enough at the point of entry to choose your practice over the rabbit hole - that's the key and it's really the only key and the one many try to avoid their entire life. Instead looking for a quick fix pill, a feel good way out, or an excuse as to why it won't work. You can have all the spiritual information in the world. It's all available at this point in human history. It's not hiding behind an obscure language or in a secret temple scroll somewhere. It's ALL on the worldwide web. Unfortunately the web gives you the info but it can't practice it for you. Damn! right?! Addiction to our habitual mind-loop is the addiction we all share and the source of all other addictions. It's not easy to kick the habit but it is worth it and the only way out of slavery and into liberation. Triggers can be seen, not as reasons to go into the rabbit hole, but as opportunities to practice staying out of it. Why do you think meditation is now the new frontier? We're at a very exciting point in time where there is a mass awareness that we are somehow separate from the mechanistic mind. We as individuals can derive strength from that wave be part of the awakening and progress of humanity. Let's play today - "How long can I stay of of my mind-loop?" See what happens.

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