Monday, May 9, 2016

Crazy Bitch is a Compliment

Those of us currently in a female body have a natural proclivity towards feminine (lunar) energy. We feel the wild (not reckless) feminine flow within. In order to survive in a world that is currently and has been for thousands of years dominated by masculine (solar) energy, we learn to adjust, make accommodations, and even hide. Now is the time, for us to be courageous in honoring the feminine within our own being. If we don't do it, who will? As we do, we teach others to do the same. We teach our husbands, fathers, boyfriends, bosses, girlfriends, sisters, brothers, and most importantly our sons and daughters. We must become ok with being called "crazy" or a "bitch", or better still a "crazy bitch."  With few exceptions, these are the labels designed to oppress the non-linear but highly logical and intuitive feminine intelligence, which is so inconvenient for a world overly slanted towards the masculine. Perhaps we even arrive at a place where "crazy bitch" is the highest compliment anyone could pay us for it lets us know we've upset the apple cart of conventional masculine and are restoring the balance within and without the human psyche.

And just for fun I prescribe listening to this song and having a 
good dose of laughter medicine! 

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