Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Your response has the power to churn, even the darkest events,
into light for the world.

The pose pictured is named after the sage Vasistha who became King Ram's teacher during Ram's time of spiritual darkness. Vasistha helped Ram understand that what felt like depression and disillusionment was a sign that he was already in the midst of a spiritual awakening. The dialogue between Ram and Vasistha became one of the foremost yoga texts ~ the Yoga Vasistha ~ which expounds the idea of a jivanmukta, one who is liberated while living.  To me this ties so closely with what Jesus was teaching about the kingdom of heaven being right here within each one of us, as opposed to a place we die into. The heroic, heart-opening, strength-promoting shape of Vasisthanasana embodies this mythology and helps us embrace it, especially in what seems like dark times.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #vasisthanasana #sideplankpose #jivanmukta #liberatedsoul #lightoftheworld #deeperpowerofasana

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