Friday, March 13, 2015

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

If you could give the voice inside your head a body, is it someone you'd want to spend your time with?

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

1 comment:

  1. Intriguing question, Alison. I should hope the voice within exerts some authority over this aging body and keeps it behaving sensibly. There are still people who depend upon my sense of rectitude, compassion, acceptance and personal push and enterprise. One reaches a point in family life beyond which one isn't only oneself anymore. Certainly it wouldn't do for me to miss a grandchild's first baseball game tomorrow morning. Nor would it be appropriate to miss a dear family member's stage debut as Willie Loman in "Death of A Salesman" in production next week. Although 6 years retired, I still have obligations and hope mind and body can coordinate into honoring them. It's a whole different reward system at this age --monetary reward has nothing to do with it, and seems a strange mindset to have been in for 40+ years. I'm back in the '60s now, my own personal chronological 60s, and you know, I like it.
