Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

One thing I've been learning is how to tune into the tone of my mind...not what I'm thinking about, but the actual vibration of my mental field. This is fascinating self study or svadyaya. It's the key to gaining clarity on what is and isn't working in life because this tone more that what we think about will be reflected back to us in our circumstances. This tone is what repels and attracts. The great sages held their mind in such high vibration that they raised all in their field of awareness. Multitudes flocked to them for a taste of this light. It burns brightest when the eyes are closed and lights us up from the inside out. Know that when you uplift the vibration of your mind, you're literally lighting up the world.

High vibrational thoughts are the light of this world.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga #dailylightwave #pratipakshabhavanam #advancedyoga #yogachallenge #virabadrasana1 #warrior1 #svadyaya #trailyoga #lightoftheworld #sages

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