Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

The Daily Lightwave 💖

Falls take many forms on and off the mat. Any time we're pulled away from our center or thrown off balance spiritually, mentally, emotionally, or physically is a fall of sorts. On the yoga mat, one thing advanced yogis do is focus on maintaining a steady even breath in the midst of the fall. Steady/even breath (sama vritti) means a steady/even mind ~ i.e. even temper or equanimity. As always, this practice can be taken off the mat. It's not easy! But it's the practice we all must embrace. We can't always control the stimuli that throw us off, but we can cultivate better and more resourceful responses that allow us to stay calm in the midst of turbulent mental and emotional conditions. Let's practice advanced yoga today!

Advanced yoga isn't not falling. Advanced yoga is maintaining equilibrium even while you are.

Alison Wilburn
Lightwave Healing & Yoga
#dailylightwave #equilibrium #samavritti #evenbreath #toestand #padangusthasana  #parivrttahastapadangusthasana #advancedyoga #offthemat #yogi #Namaste #yogicpath #innerpeace

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