Friday, August 1, 2014

The Daily Lightwave

Today's #dailylightwave is something I experience on a daily basis. I love to look for the healing that's taking place outside of the medical-industrial complex, and there's a lot of it! What I find as a common denominator, is that the people healing or being healed all recognize a divine, non-human influence. And many of these are cures of things that traditional medicine still sees as incurable ~ terminal cancer, diabetes, inoperable tumors, and the like. I like to keep my consciousness open to the idea that healing is ALWAYS possible. Though I draw from multiple sources for inspiration and spiritual study, the 2 books that continue to strengthen me most as a healer are the bible - both old and new testaments, and a book called Science and Health (by Mary Baker Eddy). I know the bible gets a bad rap because of the dogmatic way it's been handed down, but when looked at through a more spiritual lens, it really is a book about overcoming physical limitation, and the redemption of mankind. As I get past the thees and thous, begats, and bloodshed, I see it really is a text about healing and transcending. From the start, there are experiences of great importance for modern day mankind. It's really not a book about a particular race, but about humanity as a whole. It's interesting that health comes from an Old English word that means wholeness. It's one thing to fix isolated body parts, but it's another thing entirely to recognize our wholeness and connectedness in a way that transforms our bodies. I derive strength and confidence from the experiences of people like John of God (medical intuitive in Brazil), Anita Moorjani (complete recovery from terminal cancer), Wayne Dyer (healed of leukemia), Eben Alexander (full recovery from 7 day coma), and the record of healing recorded through the Christian Science Publishing Society for the past 150 years and counting. In all of these instances, there is a recognition of humanity's direct connection with something beyond the human, something divine. This divine power is embracing us. In my experience, when I embrace it, allow my consciousness to connect with and embody divine power, healing is inevitable.

Human consciousness awake to divine power and convinced of it is the most powerful healer.

Alison Wilburn ~ #lightwave
Lightwave Healing & Yoga

#divinepower #awakenthehealerwithin #ebenalexander #anitamoorjani #waynedyer #johnofgod #christianscience

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