Sunday, May 18, 2014

The Daily Lightwave ~ Dharma & Orange Trees

Today's Daily Lightwave is along the lines of something I spontaneously said to a friend who was feeling discouraged a couple of weeks ago. Nature is such a great teacher. There's a simplicity there because things like orange trees don't grapple with attachment to a mind that instills layers of doubt, fear, and confusion. Depending on the support or lack of support we receive as kids when our vision is crystal clear, connection to our gift, dharma, or YOU fruit can become murky. At some point if we want to lead a truly fulfilled life, we have to take a strong stand that our GIFT is there and we have to do whatever it takes to bring it to fruition. Taking the first step in this direction opens up a world of possibility and support. The Universe works with us and for us to bring out the blueprint it designed. We might even say, the Gift inside is the God within, spoken of by all the great sages of the ages. Connecting, living, and giving, our Gift is the surest way to feel connected to God, Source, Spirit, Love ~ whatever name works for you. Imagine a world where everyone knows and lives their dharma. I'll bet illness, depression, overindulgence, underindulgence, war, violence, crime, gossip, criticism, procrastination, etc. would shrink and eventually dissolve into a beautiful, strong, balanced web of Life with each strand flourishing in it's unique contribution.

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