Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Calling

Early I awake to listen.
Before the noises of the day have their say,
The Great Spirit has His; the Divine Mother has Hers.
Always the inaudible voice comes through,
Before the sun takes its flight into the morning sky.
Some days I seem to wait longer than other days.
But always I know, if I'm patient and persistent
I'll catch a glimpse of the dawn before the dawn, 
A new view of what's real - even slightly more than I saw yesterday.
Then and only then do I know my work is done, 
the connection made,
I'm dialed in to the infinite One, orchestrator of all.
Now I can move with guided action, equilibrium, and poise.
I take the first step, then the next, and another.
Still listening to the voice beneath the sounds,
The calling that has been forever calling to me,
Before the sun was the sun or the moon, the moon.
Wait. Listen. I think it's calling you too.

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