Saturday, September 10, 2011

"Kinship with All Life"

Over the last few years my love for animals of all types and the draw to be around them has been growing. Now I find myself with more opportunities for just that. Whether it's the coyotes, snakes, and deer out on the hiking trail, the resident snail on my patio, or hanging out with the goats (pictured above) and horses at the equine rescue, I'm fascinated with the way Life expresses Herself in these beings that are so different from me. While I know this is part of my soul's development, I cannot yet articulate the deep lessons that are now in the embryonic stages. To support this growth, tonight I cracked open a wonderful book that I read years ago. It's called Kinship with All Life by J. Allen Boone. He describes encounters with everything from ants to camels and how he actually communicates and learns to appreciate these varied beings. By reading only the first few pages I can tell it's no coincidence I picked this book up again. It's going to hit me on a whole new level this time around and allow me to learn what I need to from all the critters that cross my path.  Here are a couple of sentences from the foreward:

"As you read these stories you will see that whenever I was properly humble and willing to let something besides a human be my instructor, these various four-legged, six-legged and no-legged fellows shared pricelss wisdom with me. They taught me that perfect understanding and perfect co-operation between the human and all other forms of life is unfailing whenever the human really does his required part."

That's what I'm up for -- learning how to do my required part. Here we go!

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