Monday, September 19, 2011

An Insight Into Prayer

So often prayer is made out to be a mysterious, even superstitious activity that may or may not yield results. It's usually identified with religion, which can bring with it a sense of exclusivity - only the prayers of those who believe this or that will be answered, etc; not to mention that it alienates those who do not consider themselves religious at all. Recently I heard a definition of prayer that lifts off these limitations. Someone said that "Prayer is the highest form of clear thinking."  When I heard this I immediately thought of Albert Einstein who not only studied profusely but also spent hours in meditation, sitting with his eyes closed contemplating what he was learning. I don't know about you, but that description sounds a lot like what we think of as prayer to me. It has been written that it was during these times that Einstein gained his most prolific insights into the concepts with which he was grappling.

While there is much more that could be said on this topic, I'm heartened by, an inclusive insight such as this which holds the beginnings of making prayer (clear thinking) accessible to everyone.

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