Sunday, August 20, 2017


1000/1 that's pretty good!

if you take nothing for granted, in any given moment, for every one thing you don't like, there are at least 1,000 others to appreciate.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Intimacy is honesty

What could be more intimate than honesty, even if the content isn't what your ego wants to hear?

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Community bs Competition

A stereotypical woman criticizes and competes with other women; a whole-souled woman builds community with other women.


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Whole-Souled Woman

The whole-souled woman is whole.
She is vibrant, she is delighted, she appreciates, she loves with abandon, she embraces pleasure, she radiates wellbeing.

She takes it easy.
She attracts - she doesn't hunt.
She loves the challenge of contrast.
She feels her worthiness in every cell of her body.

She is secure. She is stable.
She is in a love affair with life.
She allows herself to taste the deliciousness of each moment.
She cherishes each of her desires as her firstborn.

She gives 10 percent of her focus to what is and 90 percent to what is becoming.

She has mastery over her thoughts - moment by moment she chooses thoughts becoming of her worthiness.

Her relationships with men are juicy, adventurous, fun, intimate, and deep - reflecting her relationship with herself.

The whole-souled woman loves her body.
She feels good in her body.
She moves with ease, power, and conscious awareness of her beauty.

She is worthy, but never entitled. She accepts with grace all that is given to her and floods the giver with genuine, heartfelt thanks.

Suffering, guilt, and self-sacrifice consistently dissolve in the realization of her capacity for pleasure and delight, joy and self-generosity.

She breathes deeply.
She meditates.
She closes her eyes often to tune to her essence.

The whole-souled woman is satisfied - filled to the brim and overflowing. Radiating positive energy on everyone she sees - constantly looking for things to appreciate rather than to complain about.

The whole-souled woman loves her sexuality.
She lets it flow in a way that's just right for her -
sometimes in dancing and moving her body; other times in feeling the air on her skin or eating her food with sensual delight; sometimes in intimate union with her lover.
She has access to endless ways in which to allow her sexuality to express itself. And she delights in all of them.

The whole-souled woman no longer strives for perfection, she seeks enjoyment in the moment.

While she may accomplish much, accomplishment is never her goal, savoring the richness of every experience is what captivates her.

She embraces being authentic over getting it right or pleasing the peanut gallery.

So in love with herself she is that she loves others like never before.

So convinced of her own value she is that she values others without compare.

She has no time for clinging to things as they are.
Rather she is eager to allow more.

The whole-souled woman loves other women.
She respects other women, holds them in high esteem, delights in and celebrates their beauty.

She knows the path of least resistance.
She spends no time trying to convince or change others.
She simply chooses the path and the company that resonates and allows everything and everyone else to fall away.

She uses contrast to climb higher.
She doesn't whine about what is, she relishes in what is becoming for she knows beyond doubt the realness of things not yet seen.

The whole-souled woman is a conjurer of reality,
not a passive observer of reality.

She is balanced, grounded, sexy, confident, powerful, tender-hearted, strong, and sure.

She is Wonder Woman,
Joan of Arc
Mother Teresa
Mary Magdalene
Maya Angelou
Catherine the Great
and many others.

And most assuredly the whole-souled woman is me and you.

Don't be a stereotype

You can't blame men
You can't blame your mother
You can't blame society or your hormones and ever be the woman you know you came here to be.
