Thursday, June 29, 2017

Be Ready, Not Needy

In all matters, the quality of opportunities is vastly different when they arise out of a feeling of readiness rather than neediness.

Attract opportunities from a place of readiness, rather than neediness.

Being ready is an INSIDE job!

Friday, June 23, 2017

Big Picture Perspective


Take time to pan out. Allow the big picture to shrink big problems down to a manageable size.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Caring vs Caring About...

I love caring about others and I equally love not caring about what others think of me & I'm glad to finally know the difference.

This is one of the areas I love addressing in my work as a life coach. There's nothing like seeing the freedom someone experiences when they are able to live their own life without concern for the judgment, expectations, or concerns of other people.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Perpetual Beginnings

In the perpetual cycles of becoming, the ending of what you've known is only the beginning!

See my website for support in embracing your flow...

#rockthislife #embodyouressence

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Inspired Action

Written from party seat 6B, Virgin Airlines while in-flight-dancing to David Morin

Action layered over blocked energy looks and feels like struggle. Action arising out of flowing energy looks and feels like ease.

True on and off the yoga mat. We say to our power yoga friends, speeding up misalignment doesn't make it go away. It reinforces it and makes it more likely to calcify and become harder to reverse.