Monday, February 27, 2017

Love and Evolve

In my heart of hearts I know this to be true and this is the intention I hold for humanity...

The archaic constructs that bind the world to ignorance and self-imposed slavery are strong but Love and the innate impetuous to evolve are stronger.

Alison Bristow
#theshaktishaman #faith #innerknowing

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Disagree without hating

You can disagree with viewpoints without hating the individuals or organizations that hold those viewpoints.

Alison Bristow
#theshaktishaman #hateneverprospers

Monday, February 20, 2017

Universal perspective

God bless the Universe,
our home sweet home.

Alison Bristow
#theshaktishaman #paradigmshift #citizensoftheworld #evolution

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Equality paves the way for ONENESS

Equality is a precursor to oneness. When humanity reaches the tipping point of planetary equality, then human consciousness will be ready to experience oneness as a reality rather than a theory.

Alison Bristow
#theshaktishaman #globalconsciousness #planetaryequality

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Less Greed More Gratitude

The sense of scarcity in our world has never been caused by lack of resources but by excessive greed. Perhaps we have too much stuff and not enough gratitude and generosity.

Alison Bristow