Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Powered by UNITY

Just a lil' message from somewhere out there passing through me to you

In times of upheaval, uncertainty, and change, let us turn to each other, not against each other.

Alison Bristow

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Change the world

Don't look to the world to change your life; create a life that changes the world.

Alison Bristow

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Enlightenment includes humor

Enlightenment without humor is like marinara sauce without tomatoes... impossible!

Alison Bristow

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Money supports spiritual expansion

Instead of using spirituality to get more money, ask that your relationship with money be realigned to support your spiritual expansion. Surely if there is something beyond the human timeline, it's the spiritual expansion that goes with us, not the money.

Alison Bristow
#theshaktishaman #spiritualityprimary

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Solar Plexus Flow 12 24 16

Latest #shaktishamanvinyasa flow focusing on Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra) incorporating Rudra Mudra... Filmed Bliss House Wellness under the supervision of Merlin the k9 love guru, who you can see in the lower right corner :)

Monday, January 2, 2017

Don't let constructs block your evolution

Some may want to cover their eyes before they read this... Heehee...

Are your constructs keeping you from expanding? Fuck that!!! It's a new year. The perfect time to transform the habits that keep you trapped in your head (that swirling mass of inherited confusion, most of which you acquired before the age of 6) yeah that needs to be churned so you can reconnect with your HEART!

So tight are the constructs which bind the human psyche, that it often takes a whole lotta don't give a fuck to allow even a little bit of expansion.

Alison Bristow